Retro Good Fair Haven Grilling

Fair Havenite Paul Croft grilled for his family circa 1974
Photo/Mary Croft

Well, there’s nothing like a good Memorial Day grilling.

And there’s also nothing like getting your kid to flip those burgers and tend to the grill like a serious party master — like this barbecue scene back from 1974 in Fair Haven.

The Croft family was large and had its own in-house crew of party starters — all in the family … and sometimes the neighborhood. Back then, it was pretty normal to see an 11-year-old doing things that people would do some serious balking, and likely reporting, over these days.

But, no, back in the day, an 11-year-old tending to the grill was pretty status quo. So was babysitting for siblings, and other kids from the neighborhood ending up at the dinner table or, perhaps, helping the grill master kid.

So, on the unofficial start of summer, we take you back to those days and a good grilling among family and neighbors. Though, this picture makes it look like a lone barbecue. Where did all the family go? Neighbors? Hmmmmm …

How old were you when you grilled your first burger? How’d it turn out? Anything catch fire besides the meat?

Happy summer grilling, all, from the Croft’s Fair Haven back yard in 1974 to yours!