Well, all the graduates in the Rumson-Fair Haven area have officially walked that walk.
One of those walks was the one of tradition in which Fair Haven eighth grade graduation tradition of grads take a walk back in time down Third Street from Knollwood School, where it all ended, to Viola L. Sickles School, where their Fair Haven schooling all began.
Some things have changed in Fair Haven. One of those things is the name of the elementary school and its days of not always being elementary.
Sickles, for a long time, was known as Willow Street School. There were times when attending Sickles was a matter of where you lived in the borough, not your grade. Then there were the days of everyone starting at Knollwood, going to Sickles (or Willow Street) for fifth and sixth grades and then back to Knollwood to wind up the middle school experience and graduate.
On thing has remained a constant, though: students’ love of and loyalty to learning in their hometown. That loyalty is on full display on the walk after eighth grade graduation.
Back in 1946, though, while love of and loyalty to a Fair Haven hometown was strong among students, as they say to this day with fervor, eighth graders graduated from what was Willow Street School (now Sickles).
Forever Fair Havenite Jane Croft was there in the 1940s and has shared her graduating class photo with us.
Take a look. Recognize any of these longtime Fair Havenites?
Congrats to the Knollwood Class of 2019!
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