Retro Fair Haven Easter Peep Hunters

Easter egg hunt with RFH grads from Class of 2006 Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Easter egg hunt with RFH grads from Class of 2006
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Some bunny’s full of Peeps! Not a peep about any golden egg, either!

Well, ’tis the season for the classic Easter egg hunt. There have been many over the years and the past weekend in the R-FH area. And there are bound to be more over the Easter weekend in many a back yard.

So, this Retro Pic of the Day offers a hippity hop back to the 1990s with a glimpse of two Knollwood and RFH grads from the Class of 2006 on a front yard egg hunt of their own on Forman Street in Fair Haven.

These two showed off their prized Peeps and stowed away whatever the heck else they found in those plastic eggs. Money?  Hmmm. Though they were pretty pleased just to have a couple of Peeps each.

No golden egg was involved, but they had a good time.

Do you recognize these little ones? Send us your retro egg hunt pics at

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