Focus: Fair Riding, Gaming and Fraternizing

All’s fair — at least for Rumson-Fair Haven area folks. It’s Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair week, after all.

The more than 100-year-old tradition of summer’s end, homecoming fair reunions among area friends and a community summer wrap-up party of the finest kind jumped into full-ride mode on Friday night and continues through Saturday this week.

R-FH Retro was there on Saturday night from opening until closing and got a good glimpse into the spirit of the fair to share with all. There were a couple of local celebrity sightings. See if you can spot them. One is one of Fair Haven’s favorite artists and the other is a Shrewsbury girl who is, shall we say, “golden.” She was ducking the crowds that didn’t notice her.

The real celebrities, though? The Fair Haven Fire Department volunteers. Yes, all’s fair!

Take a look at the two galleries below. Be sure to click on one photo to enlarge and scroll for the full effect! Enjoy! See you at the fair!

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde exclusively for R-FH Retro

Fair Fraternizing

Fair Riding and Gaming


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