Focus: A Seat and a River Time Spell Cast

Sometimes you just need to sit a spell and get let the river cast its magic.

And it will. Always does. Sunshine, crisp fall air and river mystique knows no bounds. Taking that front-row seat puts the “Ahhhhhh” into the exhale. From there, it’s all about the infinite inhale of tranquility. Thanks, too, that the intoxicating view remains a best friend that transcends time, never leaving a Rumson-Fair Haven area kid’s carefree mind.

Even all grown up, the Rumson waterfront scene, whether a snapshot or front-row view, keeps the go-lucky in a happy hometown kid’s head.

The vibrant dance behind the eyes taking in the view powers the peace it brings to rest in the heart. The solitary smile tells the story of a happy-go-very-lucky child forever beside their bestie.

Take it in and recapture the feeling … (Click on one photo to enlarge and scroll. Ahhhhhhh … Enjoy, Rumson-Fair Haven kids!)

— Photos at Barnacle Bill’s, Rumson, by Elaine Van Develde for R-FH Retro exclusively

Sun’s up for a clear view these days. Here’s the weather forecast through the weekend in the Rumson-Fair Haven area, courtesy of the National Weather Service …


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