Well, for the past eight days, every night has been a fair night in Fair Haven. The more than 100-year end-of-summer Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair tradition in the small town by the river never skips a year — except for pandemic times and one other war year in history.
So it goes … a fair tradition that brings old time Fair Havenites back to the borough to reunite as it introduces the new to the all’s fair notion.
Yes, for eight days at the end of the summer all’s fair for sure.
Take a look at the photo gallery below for a glimpse into how a night at the fair goes, from beginning to end.
** And don’t forget to CLICK on one photo in each gallery to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy! **
— Photos/Elaine Van Develde for R-FH Retro exclusively
The beginning …
The middle and end …
- Retro RFH Girl Gang On the Fence
- In Memoriam: Red Bank- and Shrewsbury-Raised Former Longtime Little Silver Resident, Steve McLean, 76
- Rumson Police Report: DUIs, Fugitive From Justice, Contempt
- Retro RFH Track & Field Warm-Up
- In Memoriam: Longtime Little Silver Resident, Columnist and RBR ’65 Grad, Sandy Wells, 77

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