Focus: RFH Staff Graduation Celebration

After spending four years teaching, disciplining and getting to know more than 200 students, Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School teachers and administrators saw them through the milestone of graduation at Monmouth University Friday night.

And, after the graduation, they gathered to celebrate and toast to the RFH Class of 2016 at Ron’s West End Pub, around the corner from Monmouth. The staff no sooner arrived when a surprise guest, who was an RFH grad himself and saw the class through the years, showed up — former Fair Haven Police Chief Darryl Breckenridge.

Take a look at the photo gallery above for a glimpse into the after-the-graduation celebration. Give each a click to enlarge.

— Elaine Van Develde

Focus: Backstage at RFH Graduation

It’s like the backstage flurry in the moments before a major Broadway production — the prep and anticipation that comes before a high school graduation after years of students growing, learning, stumbling and shining in the spotlight together.

It’s like it was at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s (RFH’s) Class of 2016 graduation on Friday evening at Monmouth University.

Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect was behind the scenes, capturing some of those backstage moments before the major milestone — graduation.

Here’s what we saw … Congratulations to the RFH Class of 2016! 

— Elaine Van Develde

*If you would like to purchase individual photos, the slideshow or both, contact me at