Focus: RFH Art Show

A group of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) seniors giggled, gossiped, reminisced and complimented one another’s artwork.

It was Wednesday night — the night of the RFH Art Show. It was one of the last events they would attend together as RFH students. Graduation is soon — the end of an era for the Class of 2016.

“You’re graduating soon. Are you going to cry (realizing the end of your high school years)?” asked Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect. “Yes, I think so,” one senior girl said as she blushed and started to get a bit teary eyed. The bittersweet ending sentiment was contagious. “Yeah, we are,” another chimed in with a sad grin, glancing at her friend.

And they put their arms around one another and smiled for a picture.

There were lots of moments like that at the RFH Art Show. And there were students of all grades taking in the art, realizing the end of an era as seniors and the beginning as freshman and everything in between.

The students conveyed their personalities and experiences in various art mediums. Take a look at the gallery below for a glimpse into the evening.

Good luck, RFH seniors!

— Elaine Van Develde


Reminder: Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Replacement Meetings

It’s not something that’s happening any time soon, but the replacement of the deteriorating Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge is happening.

With what has been dubbed the Local Concept Development Phase of the project in the works, Monmouth County officials are letting the local public know that their input, in the form of public informational meetings, is invited as the project’s design moves into its Local Preliminary Engineering Phase.

Those meetings, held in cooperation with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, are today in both Sea Bright and Rumson: from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Sea Bright Municipal Building’s public meeting room, with a presentation at 2:30 p.m.; and tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School in the cafeteria.


From the county …

“The purpose of the Public Information Center meetings is to inform the public of the status since the Local Concept Development Phase of this bridge replacement project including refinements to the approach roadways and intersections, and to solicit public input and comment on the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the project.

“These meetings are being conducted in conformance with Federal and State regulations. The public is invited and encouraged to comment on the project and may attend either or both meetings.

“Written comments will be accepted through Friday, July 8, 2016. Comments may be mailed or faxed to:

Inkyung Englehart, Project Manager
Monmouth County Division of Engineering & Traffic Safety Hall of Records Annex, 3rd Floor
1 East Main Street
Freehold, NJ 07728

Fax 732-431-7765”


Continue reading Reminder: Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Replacement Meetings

Services Set for Former Rumson Roulette Owner, Community Leader Peggy Werber

The following is an edited obituary of Margaret “Peggy” Werber from Thompson Memorial Home:

Former Rumson resident, business owner and community leader Margaret “Peggy” Werber passed away suddenly on Friday, June 3.

Margaret "Peggy" Werber Photo/courtesy of Thompson Memorial Home
Margaret “Peggy” Werber
Photo/courtesy of Thompson Memorial Home

A lineal descendant of Thomas Hinckley, governor of Plymouth Colony and first governor of Massachusetts, Mrs. Werber was a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother who was known to epitomize grace, intelligence and kind heartedness, her obituary from Thompson Memorial said.

Continue reading Services Set for Former Rumson Roulette Owner, Community Leader Peggy Werber