Tag Archives: Superstorm Sandy

Retro Post-Sandy Donovan’s

There’s a lot of buzz about the long-awaited rebuild of Donovan’s Reef in Sea Bright after it’s untimely, untamed demise due to Superstorm Sandy’s merciless wrath in October of 2012.

Well, Donovan’s will be getting back in step with its summer traditions in a literally grande way.

So, the Retro Pic(s) of the Day offer a glimpse back to a winter about four years ago when Donovan’s was in bits and people came to mourn what was or was not left of the iconic hangout on the beach.

Take a look back and remember …

— Elaine Van Develde

Donovan’s Reef after Sandy
Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Sightseers looking at what’s left and mourning the loss of Donovan’s Reef after Sandy
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Focus: Bringing Donovan’s Reef Back

It’s been more than five years since Superstorm Sandy tossed and flattened the iconic Donovan’s Reef in Sea Bright.

In the aftermath of the storm in which the Atlantic Ocean met the Shrewsbury River over the small peninsula town, all that was left of Donovan’s was a tossed building, a shell of the main bar, restaurant equipment, torn up pavement and wood — lots of wood — in scattered piles. What remained of its sign were the letters D O … found on the ground by Mayor Dina Long.

The letters became symbolic of the can-do attitude Sea Bright residents and business owners embodied in the tough months, even years, of rebuilding ahead.

There was a year without Donovan’s. Then there were a few years of an open Tiki bar on the beach.

Now Donovan’s is coming back — bigger, higher and stronger — for its first summer as a rebuilt area legend.

Take a look at the progress so far …

— Elaine Van Develde

Weathering the Storms: Resilient City Plan for Sea Bright Unveiled

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), and partners from both the public and private sectors have unveiled the outline of a plan to ensure citizens of Sea Bright will be able to communicate and have access to energy and safe drinking water sources during an emergency, according to a press release.

The “Resilient City” plan for Sea Bright, announced on Dec. 12, Pallone said will serve as a model for other municipalities planning for future storms.

Continue reading Weathering the Storms: Resilient City Plan for Sea Bright Unveiled