Tag Archives: Ray Bennett

Retro Fair Candy Apple Daze

Candy, Ray and Marion Bennett tend to the candy apples at the Fair Haven Firemen's Fair circa 1979 Photo/Fair Haven Fire Department Yearbook, courtesy of Evie Connor Kelly
Candy, Ray and Marion Bennett tend to the candy apples at the
Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair circa 1979
Photo/Fair Haven Fire Department Yearbook, courtesy of Evie Connor Kelly

The Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair is one week away from its opening night. With the fair, of course, comes goodies. Confections. Fair food. One favorite that hasn’t made a comeback and won’t still is the candy apple. So, we look back and reminisce about a fair treat and tradition gone with this “back by popular demand” reprise and a little addition …

How do you like them apples? If the name fits, you know … And it did. She may not have been the actual boss lady of the booth, but perhaps we could call her the Big Dipper? I mean, who better to one of those at the helm the candy apple operation at the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair than a woman named Candy — Candy Bennett?

The Retro Pic of the Day offers a glimpse back to fair days in 1979 with yet another fair family affair at another booth — the candy apple booth (or corner of the Out Back, or what used to be called just the hot dog booth).

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Retro Ode to Fair Haven Firemen & RFH Class of ’80 Boys

Fireman and boys of the RFH Class of '80 Photo/courtesy of Ray Bennett
Fireman and boys of the RFH Class of ’80
Photo/courtesy of Ray Bennett

Just as the RFH Class of ’80 celebrates 35 years since graduation, they’re setting up for the oh, so traditional Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair.

And, we found, from a lifetime Fair Haven fireman, a classic photo of fireman meets guys from the Class of ’80 as they’re touring the firehouse and attempting to be junior firemen. Note that most of the guys in the pic had parents in the Fair Haven Fire Department.

So, yes, the Retro Pic of the Day honors Fair Haven firemen, future firemen and the scouts of the Class of ’80.

The photo comes from Ray Bennett, lifetime fireman, and, yes, that’s him on the right. The boys: Frank Leslie, Jim Kirman (?), Troy Brandon and Doug Lang.

Thanks for the pic, Ray Bennett!