A tree grows in Giff’s honor.
That’s what is happening on the grounds of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) since a tree was planted on Saturday to honor iconic former science and ballroom dance teacher, Drill Team creator and leader, golf and basketball coach, mentor, and advisor George Giffin, known as “Giff.”
There to unveil the tree and memorial marker were members of the George Giffin Memorial Fund, friends and former students, RFH Education Committee members, school administrators, Board of Education members, and Giffin’s family members.
All gathered outside of the Math/Science Building on Forrest Avenue in Rumson. Marcia Giffin, George’s wife and former English teacher at Knollwood School in Fair Haven, and Debra Giffin Schluter, George’s daughter and member of the RFH Class of ‘79, removed the covering on the marker after Bill Davidson, RFH Class of ‘73, and Anne Facendo, Interim Superintendent of RFH, spoke.
Giffin taught at RFH for 35 years from 1956 to 1991. He was the science department chair and founded the drill team. He was known to make learning biology fun, cracking corny jokes and dissecting with precision-laden humor.
He taught gawky teens how to properly shoot a basketball and drive a hole in one, commandeered a team of gun-twirling, marching girls in parades and at football games, opened the door for all to learn the joys of dancing, helped with all student governments and activities, and encouraged everyone to find and hold onto their life’s passion. He even boasted, with joy and pride, that he frequently attended RFH grads’ weddings and reunions to get folks boogying on the dance floor.
Giffin’s son David and daughter Debra are both RFH graduates.
The Steering Committee, made up of members from the RFH Class of 1973 (Bill Boyd, Bill Brinckerhoff, Ellen Duke Spears, Carol Culshaw Prince, Mauria Fitzgerald Ganther, Steve Farley, and Bill Davidson), partnered with the RFH Education Foundation to raise money to create the George Giffin Memorial Fund (GGMF).
To date, $82,000 has been raised, far surpassing an initial goal of $35,000 to match, exponentially, the number of years Giffin taught at RFH. So far, 196 friends and alumni from 32 classes have donated to the fund.
The GGMF will help support grants to students, teachers, and administrators to fund those projects and interests for which Giffin had a passion. The partnership that formed between the Giffin committee and the RFH Education Foundation, led by Mary Pat Moriarty and Lanae Herman, made the Giffin Memorial Fund and tribute possible.
The granite memorial marker placed in front of the tree was donated by Uras Monuments, Middletown. The long leaf Linden tree that was planted in his honor was purchased through donations from Jeff Hugel and Bill Brinckerhoff, classmates from the RFH Class ‘73.
Special thanks go to Stephen Barrett, Commission Chair of the Rumson Shade Tree Commission for his help in recommending a tree and site location.
The fund will remain open on the website to receive future donations. The most recent donation received was a gift from the Class of 1970 following the celebration of their 50th Class Reunion. You can also visit the RFH Education Foundation’s home page to see the other projects that the foundation members have brought to life at RFH including those upon which they are currently working.
— Edited press release and photos from RFH
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