Retro RFH Ski Club Sloping

RFH Ski Club of 1974-75
Photo/RFH Yearbook

Yes, we are in the throes of winter and its big chill. After some snow and freeze, the sun came out today and made the cold sting just a little brighter. 

With that first little bit of white stuff in a flurry around the Rumson-Fair Haven area, our minds might be transported in time to RFH days when there was a small group of enthusiasts that loved the snow and took to the slopes regularly — the now defunct RFH Ski Club.

Never mind the skiing. How about the ski jackets. Skier or not, that was an essential part of winter fashion at RFH. Remember what the most popular brand was?

Back in the 1970s, the club was headed by the popular coach, Hal Lorme, who passed away a few years ago.

Though, in 1974, there was another teacher involved. Know who she was?

The group remained characteristically small, but true to the sport and loyal to its trips to the slopes.

Recognize anyone in this crew? What was the most popular spot for RFH skiers? Favorite trip?


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