Retro Hanging on a Fire Truck

Bill Van Develde rides a Fair Haven fire truck circa early 1970s. Photo/Van Develde family
Bill Van Develde rides a Fair Haven fire truck circa early 1970s.
Photo/Van Develde family

In light of the pending purchase of a new fire truck for the Fair Haven Fire Department, our Retro Pic of the Day offers a look back at an oldie.

New transport rules mandate that firemen can no longer ride hanging on the the back or sides of a truck.

But, there was a lot of that, like an indelible stereotypical snapshot, back in the day. Times have changed, but the dedication of the local volunteer firefighter, from generation to generation, has not.

In this photo, circa early 1970s, the guys are rolling out for a parade. They are in the back of the firehouse in their dress uniforms.

The guy hanging on the outside of the truck is none other than this editor’s dad, Bill Van Develde, a life member of the fire company and former captain of the Fair Haven Fire Police.

Did you know that the rules for riding on the outside of a fire truck had changed? Who’s inside the cab? And which truck is this? The Mack?



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