Tailgating at The Hunt in the late 1970s to early 80s Photo/RFH reunion slideshow screenshot
Fall was Hunt time. So, we take you back to The Hunt with this classic tailgating reprise Retro Pic of the Day. Have any Hunt photos? Send them over to us at [email protected] for a new view feature.
Ahhhh, The Hunt. It was a fall tradition. It’s always remembered. And with that tradition came some elegant tailgating.
The Hunt in the 1990s Photo/courtesy of Hetty Tegen
The Hunt. The Hunt. It was the annual October social gathering of the century in Monmouth County — from 1932 until 1996.
The Hunt, really the Haskell Hunt or Monmouth County Hunt Race Meet. It was where all good Rumson-Fair Haven area hob-knobbers, uppercrusters and hill voyeurs of the famously elite lifestyle gathered on the Amory Haskell Estate in Middletown, pretended to watch horses race and chase a fox, clinked crystal champagne flutes, donned designer duds, and sometimes did a little tipsy debutante tumble in the mud — all in good company. And there were many cheers to the festivity of it all!
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