An RFH ‘Night of the Arts’

Did you make it to Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s (RFH’s) Night of the Arts?

If not, here’s a glimpse of what you missed.

If so, take a look back!

— Photos/courtesy of RFH

Retro Graduation Walk from Knollwood

Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 12.25.53 AM

It’s graduation day for Fair Haven’s Knollwood School Class of 2015.

One of the steadfast traditions is, in addition to the usual walk to get the diploma, the one from Knollwood down Third Street to Sickles School for the dance.

All along the way, the grads are greeted by cheering families and friends with signs, cheers, noisemakers, balloons and anything else to make the occasion as festive as possible.

This year, we’re sure, won’t be an exception.

Unfortunately, Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect will not be able to make it, but we ask that you send your photos to so that we can post them in a slideshow post-graduation.

In the meantime, we are honoring the students and the day with a look back at the 2013 graduation walk.

Congrats, grads!

Retro & Present Forrestdale Graduation

Forrestdale graduation 2015 Photo/Paul & LuAnn Hughes Facebook screenshot
Forrestdale graduation 2015
Photo/Paul & LuAnn Hughes Facebook screenshot

It’s graduation time. And Forrestdale School in Rumson held its ceremony at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Wednesday night.

Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect could not make it to the ceremony, so we are asking people to send in their photos so that we can put a slideshow together.

In the meantime, here’s a group shot from the Hughes family (directly above) and a Retro Pic of the Day of the 2013 graduation (featured).

Congrats, grads!

Thanks, Hugheses!