Retro RFH Basketball Slam Dunkin’

RFH Boys Basketball of the 1970s Photo/George Day
RFH Boys Basketball of the 1970s
Photo/George Day

A slam dunk of a reprise to honor the RFH Boys Basketball season … Go Bulldogs!

Yes, it’s basketball season. And there’s some championship kind of playing going on with the RFH Boys Basketball team, as usual.

And while some things never change, including family names still involved in the sport at RFH, there are also many changes — like uniforms and, of course, the audience.

So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day offers a glimpse back to a game in the 1970s at which there were some familiar family faces on the court and several popular teachers on the bleachers.

While the photo is, granted, black and white, the colors are probably pretty similar, it looks like these guys are wearing warm-ups with uniforms underneath. Hmmm.

And, well, the guy right in the middle with the aghast look on his face is Andrew Davidson, Class of ’78. What the heck had just happened?

And, we definitely see a Reevey in there and a Scarrone. OK, his uniform gave it away. Who else?

What teachers can you spot in the bleachers. We see Mr. Lee, Mr. Young … Who else? There are quite a few.

Really. Take a guess at what just happened.

Thanks, again, the the wonderful George Day for sharing this moment in retro time!