Retro RFH Polar Bear Dudes

RFH Polar Bear Club after a plunge. Photo/RFH Yearbook screenshot
RFH Polar Bear Club after a plunge.
Photo/RFH Yearbook screenshot

With the announcement of Rumson Police Chief Scott Paterson’s successful fundraising ($17,030 for Special Olympics New Jersey) culminating in the Polar Bear Plunge in Seaside Heights on Saturday, it seemed only right that we take you back to polar bear plunging guys of RFH back in the day — way back.

These guys actually had a high school club dedicated to the cause of, well, just plunging into icy cold water on a whim or for a thrill in the 1970s.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day is dedicated to the winter chill, the plunge and the guys who made it a club.

Do you remember the RFH Polar Bear Club? Know any of these cold weather beachgoers? Was the club solely dedicated to the dive into icy water?

— Elaine Van Develde