Retro RFHer’s Spring Day Tripping

Time for a spring lunch break with RFH's John Brinkerhoff circa 1970s Photo/George Day
Time for a spring lunch break with RFH’s John Brinkerhoff circa 1970s
Photo/George Day

In celebration of spring, a reprise featuring a popular RFH guy … 

Finally. The spring thermometer has amped up to where it should be — or close, at least.

What better way to celebrate the long-awaited arrival of the seasonal temperature than take a look back to a warm spring day among RFHers.

Today’s Retro Pic of the (George) Day celebrates the season by going back to the 1970s and a lunching in the great outdoors somewhere with a passel of students. Call it a budding seasonal romance with the spring air.

OK, it’s a field trip. One thing for sure is that the featured fella is a young John Brinkerhoff, clad in those classic plaid shorts and alligator shirt, plastic baggin’ his lunch, it seems.

What do you think his mom packed? John? Caption this one, folks!

Many thanks, again, to the fabulous George Day for this photo!

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