Retro RFH Boys Basketball Champs

RFH Boys Basketball team of 1974
Photo/RFH Yearbook

With RFH Boys Basketball just scoring big with its second state championship, thoughts have turned back to the high school’s teams of yesteryear.

The faces may still be familiar, or etched in memories, but the uniforms are another matter.

The Retro Pic of the Day offers a glimpse back to the varsity team of 1974 when no one would have even dared dream to have Dawgs scrolled on the front of the uniforms. It was a proper Bulldogs to the RFH community then. And those shirts … well, that was the basketball status quo cut.

Now, who were the basketball stars of 1974? Recognize anyone? How about those girls who came along with the team? Their role? And, remember that coach? He passed away not too long ago.

Congrats to the champs!