Retro Fair Haven FD Wetdown

2008 FHFD Wetdown

The Fair Haven Fire Department Wetdown on Saturday brought a huge community contingent out.

Old and new members united and reunited and fellow firefighters from all over joined in the fete.

Wetdowns, in fire company tradition, are tantamount to giant community christenings — celebrations of the out with the old and in with the new and ties that bind for, in most cases, life.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day honors that tradition with a photo of the last wetdown in 2008. In this photo, provided courtesy of the FHFD, townie kids are getting their own special hosing. Well, something like that.

Tradition. This one is really not all wet.

Were you at the last wetdown? Recognize anyone?

Thanks to the FHFD for this classic shot! 

— Elaine Van Develde